Carlos (Dave) Bedoya
Guitar and Backing Vocals
Carlos has performed and worked regularly in the St. Louis music scene since 1992 with various cover bands, as an electronics technician and as a design engineer. Guitar has been his main instrument since the age of 14 and he started singing in an ensemble while studying music in college where his instructor noticed he was a tenor while singing scales in theory class. Styx is a band that had a big impact on him musically and vocally while learning to play guitar. His first album was the 8 track of the Cornerstone album and he basically wore it out. He currently plays in several side projects where he sings lead. Carlos’ other main interest is electronics related to audio and music, where his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering has allowed him to work as an Electronics Technician at the largest music store in St. Louis, a Design Engineer for Ampeg & Crate musical instrument amplifiers, and in 1995, while in college, he founded LS Electronics & Services LLC, a highly respected audio and musical instrument service center in the Mid-West.